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Belz (Ukr. Belz, ydysh בעלז, Polish. Bełz) - city district Sokalskom value in areas Lvovskoy region of Ukraine. This one drevneyshyh IZ in cities of Western Ukraine, udelnoho Capital principality, zatem Administrative Center voevodstva speech Pospolytoy and family belzskoho direction in Hasidism, but in our time one IZ samыh malыh cities in the country (2011 hours Population 2359 people). Belz in antiquity, probably one bыl IZ Cherven cities and zatem ste chastyu Galicia-Volynsky principality. C. 2001 g Belz and ego okrestnosty decision by the government of Ukraine began Hosudarstvennыm historical and kulturnыm Reserve "Prince Belz."

FIRST upomynanye at Belz is located in "Tale vremennыh years," where in 1030 hodom hovorytsya pod, something the city bыl otvoёvan the Kiev Prince Yaroslav Mudrыm of Poles.

City osnovaly on the Peninsula, obrazovannom in merger and rivers Solokyya Rechitsa, kotorыe at the time bыly polnovodnыmy bohatыmy and fish. Severo C for garden prylehala polohovolnystaya Volynskaya vozvыshennost with plodorodnыmy and lёhkymy for processing demolition on kotorыh still sohranylys lypovыe oak forest. These forests gave good stroytelnыy Material, besides a lesah razvyvalos bortnychestvo. On the south stretched the forest Sosnoviy Small Polesya with mnohochyslennыmy rekamy and ruchyamy. Torgovyi path IZ city were in the West for Krakow to the south for Galich, in Kiev for the east, to the north for the Baltic. That was the Neudobnыm pryhranychnoe Pos Belz. For ego defense bыly sozdanы ukreplёnnыe Uhnev settlement (in the west) and Variazh (in the north). Belz soon became the center udelnoho principality. Samыm severnыm outpost Belzskoy land became Vsevolozhsk, samыm yuzhnыm - Buzhsk.

Modern remnant drevneho city raspolozhenы tract in a number Zamochek lion shore Rivers Solokyy Between Her nыneshnym and starыm beds. Ukreplёnnaya part poselenyya sostoyt IZ two parts, detyntsa (fortress) and the city outskirts, sohranylys ukreplenyya - rvы and valы. Detinets ploschadyu about 4 hectares ymeet pryamouholnыe ochertanyya (220 to 190 m), on bыl obnesёn perimeter shaft sostoyavshym IZ wooden cléty, zasыpannыh zemlёy. Prymыkavshyy for nemu with South-East okolnыy garden (Square neighborhood of 3 hectares) bыl ukreplёn shaft with trёh parties (except for detyntsu obraschёnnoy). City bыl okruzhёn also neukreplёnnыmy positions, zanymavshymy sosednye vozvыshennosty Among bolotystoy nyzynы. Archaeologists bыly obnaruzhenы remnant of houses with hlynobytnыmy polls, hozyaystvennыe yamы, the remnant of the pottery furnace. Among nahodok There also honcharnaya drevnerusskaya dishes, orudyya the labor nozhy, boevoy Topor, Arrow tips, shporы, with chips steklyannыh brasletov, shyfernыe pryaslytsa, Fixing IZ bones, svyntsovaya aktovaya seal. Most Absolyutnoe nahodok datyruetsya XI-XIV vekamy, dominated by materials XII-XIII century.

Copyright: Maxim Ritus
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 9272x4636
Taken: 15/04/2014
Uploaded: 24/01/2016
Published: 24/01/2016


Tags: church castle tower old city old house old history historical heritage
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