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Sergiy Lagoda
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Ukraine, Europe
Zobrazení: 9,838
About Sergiy
Attractive young ambitious photographer works for your and own pleasure.
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Sergiy Lagoda
Ethno-Jazz Stage on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
At the crossroads near the active church. Festival "Kraina Mriy"
Sergiy Lagoda
summer meadow
Sergiy Lagoda
Teatralnyi maidan (Theatre square)
Sergiy Lagoda
Main stage at the festival Zakhid 2014.
Sergiy Lagoda
Balloon on the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Keep calm stage on the festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The input Playground of festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The main entrance on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Paid encampment on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Sergiy Lagoda
Ruined plant in Holoby, Ukraine
Sergiy Lagoda
Basalt pillars
Sergiy Lagoda
Festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
At the crossroads on festival "Kraina Mriy"
Sergiy Lagoda
Cossack Sich on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
Ethno-Jazz Stage on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
At the crossroads near the active church. Festival "Kraina Mriy"
Sergiy Lagoda
Various contests for children, and exhibit showcases of sponsors on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
Entrance to the museum Pirogovo
Sergiy Lagoda
summer meadow
Sergiy Lagoda
Main stage at the festival Zakhid 2014.
Sergiy Lagoda
Rock stage at the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Balloon on the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Paid encampment in the woods at the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Near the free showers festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Amusement Park on the Festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Keep calm stage on the festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Object 221 — BSF underground Command complex. Alsu-2
Sergiy Lagoda
The main entrance on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The input Playground of festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The lake on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Paid encampment on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Basalt pillars
Sergiy Lagoda
Our tents on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Amusement Park on the Festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Teatralnyi maidan (Theatre square)
Sergiy Lagoda
Keep calm stage on the festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Main stage at the festival Zakhid 2014.
Sergiy Lagoda
Near the free showers festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Paid encampment in the woods at the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Rock stage at the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Balloon on the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
At the crossroads on festival "Kraina Mriy"
Sergiy Lagoda
Cossack Sich on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
Ethno-Jazz Stage on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
At the crossroads near the active church. Festival "Kraina Mriy"
Sergiy Lagoda
Various contests for children, and exhibit showcases of sponsors on festival "Kraina Mriy" 2015
Sergiy Lagoda
Entrance to the museum Pirogovo
Sergiy Lagoda
summer meadow
Sergiy Lagoda
Main stage at the festival Zakhid 2014.
Sergiy Lagoda
Rock stage at the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Balloon on the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Paid encampment in the woods at the festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Near the free showers festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Amusement Park on the Festival Zakhid 2014
Sergiy Lagoda
Keep calm stage on the festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The input Playground of festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Our tents on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The main entrance on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Paid encampment on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
The lake on festival "Zakhid'14"
Sergiy Lagoda
Sergiy Lagoda
Ruined plant in Holoby, Ukraine
Sergiy Lagoda
Old ruined house
Sergiy Lagoda
Teatralnyi maidan (Theatre square)
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