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Biserica Evanghelica Sibiu

This impressive cathedral was built in 1520 on the place of an old Romanic basilica from the 12th century.

With five pointed towers it is one of the most impressive buildings in Sibiu, the tower is nearly 74 m high, the tallest building in Transylvania.
In front of the cathedral the statue of Georg Daniel Teutsch, Bishop of Sibiu, erected in 1899.
The simple, stark interior is in total contrast to that of the Catholic Church.
The gray stone walls create an austere atmosphere that is slightly mitigated by exuberant carving in the vaulting and in the stone epitaphs that are fixed to a wall on the north side of the nave.
A gigantic fresco (over 9m high), painted by Johannes of Rosenau in 1445, covers much of the north wall of the chancel. The mural shows the Crucifixion and marks a transition in painting from the coldly late Gothic to the more human concern of the renaissance. At the top of the fresco are the Royal Hungarian insignia with the apostolic cross of Silesia, the Bohemian vulture and a lion rampant. Below the fresco, Rosenau depicted Hungary's two first Christian kings: Stephen, shown with a scepter and Ludovic with an axe.
To the north of the crossing is polyptych painted in the style of Dürer, completed in the first quarter of the 16C.
The cathedral has a choir loft on the south side with a beautiful fan-vaulted ceiling. There is as well an immense Baroque organ designed by a German master in 1671.
Six thousands pipes were installed in 1914 making it the largest in Romania.
In 1997 was reinstalled the great organ of the church which first was installed in 1915.

In 1448 the church was enlarged westwards through the construction of the Ferula (The Galilee). The aspect of the church was changed on the southern side after 1474, when the church was decided to be turned into a hall-church. Thus the southern side was overraised and in inside a lateral loft appeared, provided with a ribbed vault. In 1494 the tower of the church was finished and overraised with two more levels. The last part built was the little tower with a cork screw staircase raised in 1520.
On the northern and southern church porches are two doorway framings. The southern doorway is dated 1457 and the northern one is dated 1520. On the southern facade of the choir, over a Gothic door, it is embeded a relief with the theme 'Prayer on the Mountain of the Olives'.
In inside the most remarcable work is the painting, dated 1445, called The Crucifixion, realised by the painter Johannes de Rozenaw.

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Copyright: W. H. Mahyo
Art: Spherical
Resolution: 8000x4000
Taken: 11/08/2009
Hochgeladen: 11/08/2009
Published: 11/08/2009


Tags: sibiu
Mehr über Siebenbürgen

Siebenbürgen oder Transsilvanien, rum. Ardeal oder Transilvania nach lateinisch Transsilvania, ungarisch Erdély, ist ein historisches und geografisches Gebiet im südlichen Karpatenraum mit einer abwechslungsreichen Geschichte und liegt im Zentrum von Rumänien.Siebenbürgen bildet geografisch das Zentrum und den Nordwesten Rumäniens. Von den südlicheren (Walachei) und östlicheren (Moldau und Bukowina) Landesteilen wird Siebenbürgen durch die Ostkarpaten und die Transsilvanischen Alpen (Südkarpaten) getrennt, die zusammen den südlichen Karpatenbogen bilden. Nach Westen hin scheidet ein Teil der Westrumänischen Karpaten, das Apuseni-Gebirge, Siebenbürgen vom Kreischgebiet ab.Auch andere rumänische Landesteile, die bis 1918/1920 zu Ungarn gehörten (das Kreischgebiet, die Region Sathmar, der südliche Teil des ehemaligen Komitats Maramuresch sowie der rumänische Teil des Banats), werden manchmal fälschlicherweise zu Siebenbürgen hinzugerechnet. Damit wird es oft etwas größer als das historische Gebiet dargestellt.Die Flächengröße Siebenbürgens beträgt etwa 57.000 km². Nach heutigen Verwaltungseinheiten umfassen alle Gebiete, die bis 1918 zu Ungarn gehörten, etwa 100.293 km². Siebenbürgen ist in die folgenden rumänischen Kreise (Bezirke) unterteilt.

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