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Government Office Slovakia

History Building

In the Middle Ages in this area contained no built - the Square of Liberty, up the slopes of the Little Carpathians went vineyards belonging to either the townsmen, or religious institutions. The vineyards are only interrupted communication pulling Moravia and Prague. who went in the direction of today's Štefánikova. In the context of military events on the Turkish front in the 16th century, Bratislava became the capital of the kingdom, and consequently there have been downloading some institutions and royal officials. When the king's consent, so that in the city and its surrounding property have nobility, it should result in expansion of construction activity in the early 17th century and the next decades. Burgher aristocracy purchased by vineyards around the perimeter of the city and adjusted them to its ornamental gardens under Italian and French design. In the gardens of suburban villas subsequently created the character, the barons majetnejších acquiring features extensive garden palace with economic backgrounds. The territory bounded by streets today Štefánikova, Lešková, convex and us. freedom to buy burgers from Francis, Archbishop of Esztergom Forgách early 17th century and established here ornamental and fruit garden. At its edge in contact with a large open area of ​​the square, came about in 1614 the summer residence of the Archbishop. It was probably a 1-storey building footprint of elongated, oriented parallel to the edge of the garden. Lippay George, who was Archbishop of Esztergom between 1642 to 1666 he rebuilt in grandiose style as a garden and a palace. The form of this palace is captured on the engraving of the early 18th Century, so we have a rather precise idea of ​​its appearance. It was a three-leaf 1-storey building footprint to point C, whose center wing was longer than the short side wings. The space between the side wings was directed into the square and formed the so-called honorable court, serving on the arrival and welcoming guests. Honour courtyard used to have the ornamental style of the French masters adjusted area separate from street massive wrought iron fence. On the axis of the palace had been located in the main entrance fence, which went into the centrally located underpass. The carvings can be seen that the palace had Lippayho centrally situated underpass in Rizal and the person was conceived and the main garden communication. The palace had a chapel on the south side with smaller windows, completed over the tower roof. North of the middle bay on the ground floor arcade decomposed the pillars, bearing semicircular archivolts. Hall was only a ground floor, the floor was an ordinary rectangular windows with wooden shutters. The palace had a classic layout of subdivisions. where the floor has been earmarked for commercial and residential needs for higher servants, while the floor served to represent the (main wing) and sleeping for the home of Mr. and guests (side wings). Custom was that the floor of one wing was reserved for the bedroom, resting and working premises owner - in this case was probably due to the southern wing near the chapel. Floor north side wings then served for guest housing. The attic was occupied or not serve for storage purposes. Economic Area and čeľadník were located in buildings outside the palace. Another major reconstruction of the palace took place between 1761 to 1765 under Archbishop Barkóczyho. The exterior has been marked by dynamic Baroque style, while the interiors were decorated in a more modern spirit of rococo. The basic outline Lippayova disposition to preserve, was only one floor nadstavaná by massive central pavilion in the middle of the main wing, which exceeded its mansard silhouette of a lot adjacent wings. Lateral wings of the conversion remained unaffected except for extensions on them preserved window jambs and portal of 17 century. The main emphasis put on the middle wing of the architect, which was highlighted in the pavilion with high pilaster Radom, tympanum and arched portico with upper Terrace. Extension portico meant, inter alia, changes in the organization of transport. While in the old palace came in a carriage to the underpass and there was featured in a new palace was the demeanor for it from under the portico and the foot went into the vestibule, which was once located behind a single-wide staircase leading up to the salons and private chambers. Lifestyle changes Renaissance Baroque nobility against best practice, it is noticeable on the architectural design courtyard and the street facade. While the old palace Lippayovom emphasis was placed on the facade facing the courtyard garden (arcades, balcony). Barkóczyho baroque palace is turning its entire monumentatily the square to renounce the power and wealth of its owner. For this purpose, the courtyard arcades were walled and open arcade of the main lobe towards the square, the walls of division is repeated blind arcades to l. and 2 floor. Dynamic baroque influence evidenced hat window ledges l. floors, as well as the wavy line the fence of the courtyard of honor. On the garden side of the central pavilion was erected a huge terrace with two curving staircases, raised the patronage archivolts muscular Atlanta. The interior was designed in the Rococo spirit wood paneling rooms of wallpaper, including all windows and doors. Chapel retaining wall painting of 17 century, but the architecture of the altar Donner circuit is a new addition. Also in the spirit of dynamic baroque. Over one hundred years after the conversion Barkóczyho Palace remained virtually unchanged in terms of building interventions, as well as functional filler. Until the late 19th century the Esztergom archbishopric sold military eráru that there had set up a military hospital. Architecture and interior and exterior to remain conserved due to the fact that the army never had enough money to substantial improvements to their buildings, not counting minor

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Copyright: Dusan Skrabak
Art: Spherical
Resolution: 10000x5000
Taken: 13/06/2011
Hochgeladen: 23/06/2011
Published: 23/06/2011


Tags: goverment; slovakia; historia; turistický ruch; úrad vlády; panorama; virtualnezahorie; skrabak dusan; virtualna prehliadka
Mehr über Bratislava

Overview and HistoryBratislava is the capital of Slovakia or the Slovak Republic, which made up half of Czechoslovakia until its official independence began in January 1993. Bratislava had many other names in the past. It was first known as Brezalauspurc in the Germanic Annales Ivuavenses. Other names have been Pozsony, Pressburg, Istropolis and the slang short form "Blava."The earliest remains of human activity in Bratislava are Neolithic pottery artifacts which date to around 5000 BC -- although Slovakia shows signs of having been inhabited since 270,000 BC by people who used stone tools.Whoa. That's getting back there by where homo sapiens first appeared, isn't it?The Celtic Boii tribe, whence we get the word "Bohemian" arrived around 200 BC and made a fortified settlement that had its own mint for silver coinage. Silver coins are a very handy archaeological reference point. Nice one, Celts!Following the Celtic period of occupancy, the area fell into Roman hands and remained a border town for five centuries. The Romans cultivated vineyards, the tradition of which still remains to this day in Slovakia.Slavic peoples arrived between the 5th and 6th centuries. They united under the empire of Samo, a Frankish king who created the first Slavic states to defend against Avarian tribal onslaught.The castle in Bratislava was constructed in the 10th century, when the surrounding land was part of the kingdom of Hungary. The first written record of the city comes from a battle between the Bavarian army and Hungary.Bratislava was granted its own town privileges in 1291 by King Andrew III of Hungary. After the Ottoman Empire invaded Hungary, Bratislava became the Hungarian capital, under the name "Pressburg."As of 1536 AD Pressburg jumped a few levels up when it became part of the Austro-Hungarian territory under the Hapsburg Empire.Several kings and queens were coronated at St. Martin's cathedral.The city flourished under the reign of Maria Theresa during the 18th century, as it became one of the largest towns in the are of Slovakia and Hungary.In modern European history, Bratislava saw a lot of action. Napolean came through and tore things up... rebellions against the Catholic Hapsburgs ravaged the outskirts of the city, and insurgents stormed the Castle again and again.After centuries of upheaval, the first permanent bridge across the Danube river was built in 1891. In 1918 Bratislava became part of Czechoslovakia, despite the Hungarian and German population's disapproval. A public demonstration in 1919 turned bloody when Czechoslovak Legions opened fire on Hungarian protesters, who were against the occupation.Bratislava took its current moniker on March 27th, 1919.The city suffered heavy damage in WWII from Allied bombing and German occupation. It was invaded by the Russian Red Army and subsequently became part of the Soviet Socialist Republic, a period which lasted fifty years.Bratislava was one of the centers of anti-Communist demonstration in the late 1980's, and it became the capital of the Slovak Republic following the Velvet Divorce of 1992.Getting ThereBratislava is on the Danube river so you can always float up from Hungary in your boat if you want to.Alternately, the Bratislava Airport connects with the city by bus (#61). It's about twenty minutes; get a sixty minute ticket to be safe and don't forget to stamp it in the machine! Ticket inspectors especially love to nab tourists.The bus station gts a lot of action with connections to Vienna, Budpest, Prague and parts further off. While we're at it, Bratislava and Vienna are only 40km apart, making them the two closest-together European capitals. Factor that into your trip planning.TransportationDriving in Bratislava is not bad. There is a parking problem in downtown, of course, but that's nothing unusual and there are parking garages available which aren't expensive.Public transportation consists of trams, buses and these cool trolley-buses that run on the electric tram lines but ride on rubber tires. Whoa!Bus service extends to the outer parts of the city, trams are best for avoiding traffic in the city center, and riding a bike rules over everything else on wheels, as is proper.Watch out for night bus schedules, they get pretty few and far between after midnight.People and CultureBratislava is the city of halusky. This is a regional specialty which has its own festival in the summer, with contests for who can make the best halusky, and also who can eat the most. It's a serious business -- potatos dumplings chopped up with sheep cheese and bacon, that kind of thing that only your grandmother can make properly but you can't ask for it when you're hungover because she'll hit you with the rolling pin instead. This is solid "back to bed after breakfast" food.People in Bratislava are a little bit more straight-laced than their counterparts in Prague. Although they were citizens of the same country for most of the last century, Bratislava feels very different from Prague. You won't see people with dreads and dogs in every park, there isn't as much of a DJ scene or as many pubs full of clouds of smoke.Things to do, RecommendationsFor night life, go to Nu Spirit. It's a basement lounge with a world-class sound system right in the downtown area below a music store. They play funk and soul music and everything with a good vibe, and the low light makes for perfect dronken converslation [sic].The old section of town (Hlavne Namesti) is absolutely beautiful to walk around in and get lost, with twisting streets and tall windows.As always, it's a good idea to climb up the hill to the Castle for a look around.You can also head out of town to the Devin Castle and see the ruins there, with their archaeological exhibit explaining the history around you.Here's a quick Museum Guide to get you started on a rainy day, and with that I leave you to your halusky.Enjoy!Text by Steve Smith.

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