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Veros Plakiotis
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Athens, Greece, Europe
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Veros Plakiotis
Biggest Bougainvillea Tree In Athens Mitropoleos Street 02
Veros Plakiotis
Athens National Archaeological Museum Panoramic 042 The Antikythera Youth
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Athens Michail Lemos Shopping Arcade Stadiou street.
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365 Two Towers Of Bologna Asinelli Tower Garisenda Tower
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288 Rome Via Di Santo Gregorio Piazza Di Porta Capena Viale Aventino
Veros Plakiotis
346 Rome Piazza San Pietro Right Side Basilica Di San Pietro
Veros Plakiotis
345 Rome Piazza San Pietro Left Side Basilica Di San Pietro Swiss Guard Of Vatican
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343 Rome Piazza San Pietro Left Side Bernini Fountain Basilica Di San Pietro
Veros Plakiotis
341 Rome Piazza San Pietro Bernini Fountain Basilica Di San Pietro
Veros Plakiotis
337 Rome South West Side Of Castel Santo Agelo Lungotevere Castelo
Veros Plakiotis
303 Rome North East Side Of Fontana Di Trevi Under Repair Piazza Di Trevi
Veros Plakiotis
301 Rome West Side Of Fontana Di Trevi Under Repair Piazza Di Trevi Via Poli
Veros Plakiotis
324 Rome Via Agonale Piazza Di Santo Apollinare
Veros Plakiotis
313 Rome San Luigi De Francesi Church Via Della Dogana Vecchia Piazza Di San Luigi De Francesi
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311 Rome Piazza Della Rotonda Pantheon Salita Dei Crescenzi
Veros Plakiotis
021 Serifos Chora Village Narrow Streets
Veros Plakiotis
347 Rome Piazza San Pietro The Square Was Designed By Gian Lorenzo Bernini In 1667 Basilica Di San Pietro Entrance
Veros Plakiotis
30 Athens The north-west face of the Parthenon-Left are the remnants of the Pandroseion and the Old Temple of Athena.
Veros Plakiotis
356 Rome Basilica Di San Pietro North Side Of Baldacchino It Is A 30 Meters Tall Bronze Canopy Above The Altar Designed By Bernini Below It Is The Tomb Of Saint Peter
Veros Plakiotis
347 Rome Piazza San Pietro The Square Was Designed By Gian Lorenzo Bernini In 1667 Basilica Di San Pietro Entrance
Veros Plakiotis
28 Athens The west face of Parthenon and at the right are the remnants of the Sanctuary of Brauronian Artemis.
Veros Plakiotis
233 Florence Loggia Del Mercato Nuovo It Was Built In 16th Century Originaly It Was Selling Luxury Goods Fountain Of The Pigglet Touching Its Nose Brings Fortune Via Calimaruzza Via Calimala
Veros Plakiotis
021 Serifos Chora Village Narrow Streets
Veros Plakiotis
350 Rome Basilica Di San Pietro
Veros Plakiotis
29 Athens The north-west face of the Parthenon-Left are the remnants of th Statue of of Athena Promachos and the Erechteion.
Veros Plakiotis
09 Medici Chapel Tomb Of Guiliano Di Lorenzo De Medici With Night And Day
Veros Plakiotis
283 Rome Colosseo West Face It Was Built In 80 Ad By Emperor Titus It Is Listed As A World Heritage Site
Veros Plakiotis
41 Athens The south face of Acropolis-The crane for the repairs and materials for the restoration of Acropolis.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens Tsakalof street. Kolonaki district.
Veros Plakiotis
10 Athens The left side of the ancient theater of Dionysos Eleutherus-Below the theater is the Archaic temple of Dionysous Eleutherus.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens greek Loukoumades shop Krinos, Aiolou street.
Veros Plakiotis
25 Athens Climbing the Propylaea of Acropolis and left the monument of Agrippa and more left the temple of Athena Nike.
Veros Plakiotis
09 Athens The right side of the ancient theater of Dionysos Eleutherus.
Veros Plakiotis
02 Athens Areopagitou street-Cool pedestrianized road under the shadow of trees-full of taverns and shops with memorabilia.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens Kolokotroni street and Kolokotroni square.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens Parnassou street and Karitsi square.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens Staikou street and Kaplanon street intersection of pedestrianized streets.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens Kolokotroni street and Thiseos pedestrianized street.
Veros Plakiotis
Athens Emanouil Benaki street and Stoa Fix arcade.
Veros Plakiotis
52 Athens The Acropolis and view of Athens from the east side of Areopagus.
Veros Plakiotis
58 Athens The entrances of the Upper Ancient Agora and the Lower Ancient Agora.
Veros Plakiotis
33 Athens The north-east face of Parthenon-Right are the remnants of the altar of Athena and the Temple of Rome and Augustus.
Veros Plakiotis
25 Athens Climbing the Propylaea of Acropolis and left the monument of Agrippa and more left the temple of Athena Nike.
Veros Plakiotis
43 Athens The north-west face of Erechtheion and the ramp for the elevator of Acropolis.
Veros Plakiotis
05 Athens The entrance of the south slope of the Acopolis and the theatre of Dionysos-The pathway leads up to the Parthenon.
Veros Plakiotis
18a Athens The Odeion of Herodes Atticus and right the Acropolis.
Veros Plakiotis
11 Athens The second part of the uphill pathway to Akropolis-A little tougher from the first-At the right is the theater of Dionysous.
Veros Plakiotis
49 Athens The Areopagus-right the baggage and stroller check-in.
Veros Plakiotis
57 Athens The last part of the pathway from Acropolis and Aeopagus to the ancient agora.
Veros Plakiotis
18b Athens The third and the tougher uphill pathway of the South slope of the Acropolis to the Parthenon-Magnificent view.
Veros Plakiotis
59 Athens Inside the Holy Apostles church of the Ancient Agora-The Altar of the church.
Veros Plakiotis
13 Athen The pathway becomes very narrow-In front upward is the Acropolis and left the Stoa of Eumenes.
Veros Plakiotis
28 Athens The west face of Parthenon and at the right are the remnants of the Sanctuary of Brauronian Artemis.
Veros Plakiotis
08 Athens At the right side of the uphill pathway is the Odeion of Perikles at the left side is the ancient Peripatos street.
Veros Plakiotis
01 Athens Areopagitou street and Amalias street-Stop for touristic sightseeing buses-Avoid the taxi drivers prefer syntagma square for taxi.
Veros Plakiotis
35 Athens Panoramic view of the Plaka district and the Acropolis.
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