Vito Fusco

Naples, Italy, Europe
Angesehen: 12,694
About Vito

Vito Fusco

June 20th 1980, lives in Positano.

Approaches photography because of his partner, who is interested in visual

and plastic arts. It was a game, but very pleasant and interesting. He

becomes passionate about the subject, falls in love with the idea of being

able to express something, to express himself, to have the opportunity to

leave a message.

The key moment was the encounter with one of the Norwegian masters of

photography: Morten Krogvold and his life partner Tarand. The meeting took

place in the restaurant where he worked. For two weeks Morten played the

role of “Pablo Neruda” in the film with Massimo Troisi: “Il Postino”.

In these two weeks Morten took Vito by the hand and charmed him with his

lessons on color and form, talking about Kandinsky, light and composition. At

that moment Vito made the choice to leave the restaurant in order to take

seminars, workshops, and dedicate himself to “writing with light”.

He created Arkimedia Lab along with Antonio Casola (Web Designer), an

agency that deals with visual communication.

In January ‘09, he was published in the Italian “National Geographic”, then

in “El Pais” going on to win the competition run by Nikon in 2010. He

participated actively in the Italian Photoshop group, and has participated in

world guru Dan Margulis’ advanced color correction classes.