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  美术学院的前身是创建于上个世纪50年代的艺术专修科,自1992年11月恢复建系以来,历经艰辛,筚路蓝缕,励精图治,而欣欣向荣。特别是“十五”以来,美术学院得到了长足的发展,实现了从专科教育到研究生教育的跨越,目前已成为省内外美术人才和美术师资的重要培养基地。美术学院现设美术学、艺术设计和绘画三个本科专业,分设中国画、油画、书法、艺术设计和美术教育五个专业方向,拥有美术学、艺术学硕士学位授予权点。现有全日制本科生802人,硕士研究生43人,成人教育在籍学生300余人。现有教职工47人,其中专职教师39人,正副教授16人,并聘请张道一、陈传席、尉天池、黄惇、吴为山等10多位国内著名专家、书画家担任兼职教授。设有中国画教研室、油画教研室、艺术设计教研室、综合教研室、汉画像艺术研究所和艺术设计中心。师资力量雄厚,队伍结构合理,拥有一流的教学设施和一批中青年学术人才。近年来,科研项目和科研成果都有了重大突破。全院出版专著10多部;发表论文500余篇;承担并完成科研项目近20项;1000多件作品在国家、省、市等各类美术及艺术设计作品展示、评比活动中获奖;100余件作品被国家、省、市级相关单位收藏。美术学院拥有建筑面积为15500m2的美术大楼,设施齐全,有现代化的多媒体教室、计算机房、工艺造型实验室、雕塑工作室、摄影工作室、国画临摹室、美术陈列馆、艺术品收藏馆,还有400 m2美术阅览室和1200 m2的李可染美术展览馆,为师生工作学习和创作提供了优良的条件。 在学生工作方面,美术学院秉承“以德为先、以学为主、以识为要、以才为本”的育人理念,以促进学生成长成才为中心,注重抓好学生专业水平的提高和基础文明的养成,强调以特色活动营造氛围,凸显美术专业特色,学生的综合素质比较高,受到了用人单位的普遍认可与好评。 江苏师范大学美术学院将继续坚持以发展为主题,抢抓机遇,锐意创新,进一步培育学术氛围,凝炼学科方向,强化教学管理,完善人才培养体系,积极构建和谐发展的美术学院,使美术学院成为群贤毕至、人才荟萃之地,为培养德才兼备、具有创新实践能力的优秀美术实用人才和合格师资作出更大的贡献。
Copyright: Sun R
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 9256x4628
Taken: 28/04/2013
Subida: 09/05/2013
Published: 09/05/2013
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Tags: 江苏师范大学; 徐州师范大学; 美术学院
More About jiangsu

Jiangsu located at Yangtze River, the Huaihe River downstream, shore of Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, north meets Shandong, west continually Anhui, the southeast and Shanghai, Zhejiang border on, is the Yangtse Delta area important component, is situated between the east longitude 116°18 ' -121°57 ', north latitude 30°45 ' - 35°20 ' between. Acquires fame in the Qing Dynasty Jiangning government office and the Soviet state capital two government offices the first character. Is one of Chinese population density highest provinces, the total area 102,600 square kilometers, account for the national total area 1.11%, the continuous nearly 1000 kilometer coastlines are hugging the approximately 9,800,000 Chinese acre gold shallow seas and tidelands. Within the boundaries plain is vast, the land is fertile, the product is rich, the rivers and streams lake is densely covered, in five big fresh water lake's Tai Lake, Hongze Lake recline in this, in the history is known as “the land of plenty” fine reputation, Jiangsu's abbreviation “Soviet” the traditional character is this Italy originally. The Jiangsu history is glorious. Here is the Chinese Wu culture and the Chinese culture birthplace, as early as area Nanjing already was the humanity lives together the place hundreds of thousands of years ago. more than 6000 years ago, nearby nearby Nanjing and Tai Lake as well as Xuzhou and Hongze Lake already presented the primitive village, started the primitive farming production. more than 3000 years ago, Jiangsu bronzeware's smelting and forging, has achieved the very high technical level. 3- the 6th century, Nanjing became south China's economic civilization center. 7- after the 10th century, south the national economical center of gravity moves, has so-called “the world important matter, supinely in southeast” the view, Yangzhou becomes the national liveliest city. A.D. 14- after the mid-17th century, places such as Suzhou, Songjiang District and Nanjing, become the birthplace which our country capitalism germinates. The 19th century end, modern industries and so on silk reeling, spinning and weaving, bread flour, mining coal, in places such as Wuxi, Nantong, Suzhou, Changzhou, Xuzhou emerge one after another. Hereafter, Jiangsu's economy, the social development have been among the best in China.  

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