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Zhejiang Province


东林寺位于浙江省温州市平阳城南凤山南麓,相传为梁武帝时四名太监始建, 当时有外寺、里寺两幢,至唐德宗大历年间,外寺改名“东林寺”,至今已千余年。古寺代有兴废,元朝天台宗高僧省初法师曾在些住持弘法(后期以临济宗中各派 为主);清顺治时,僧宗恒自重兴寺宇;康熙间,僧普光、通纯添建两廊;乾隆间,僧文秀加清齐堂;咸丰间,僧西来修建正殿;民国间,僧各宁增建大悲楼。 1949年前夕,寺宇部分殿堂听院为当地借用,“文革”中被改作仓库。至此,殿堂破损,面目全非。中共十一届三中全会后,政府宗教政策得到落实。1984 年,平阳县政府批文,所有占用单位,全部迁出,归还东林寺,并聘请苍南籍五台山名本法师负责重兴古刹,作为温州市首批开放寺院之一。

名本法师从1984年冬至1994年底,仅用十年时间,先后建成大雄宝殿、天王殿、药师殿、西方三圣殿、观音殿、地藏殿、僧房及山门、围墙等,总计 四进八十余间,占地面积达五千二百平方米,该寺现存重要文物有碑记数块,其中比较重要者有《僧会碑记》、《刘绍宽房产碑记》、《东林寺主建捐资功德碑 记》,《东林寺历史啤记》等。



Copyright: 1soft
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 22228x11114
Taken: 02/02/2011
Chargée: 07/04/2011
Published: 07/04/2011
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Tags: temple
More About Zhejiang Province

Zhejiang Province for a China's province, is situated at south the Chinese southeast coast Yangtse Delta the wing, east is near East China Sea, south meets Fujian, west and Jiangxi, Anhui are connected, north with Shanghai, Jiangsu borders on. Within the boundaries biggest rivers Qiantang River, because the river current is winding, calls the river, also calls Zhejiang, the province by river, the abbreviation ?Zhejiang?. Provincial capital Hangzhou. The Zhejiang Province thing and the north and south straight distance is about 450 kilometers, the land territory area 101,800 square kilometers, are the nation 1.06%, is one of Chinese area smallest provinces. Next governs Hangzhou, the Ningbo 2 vice-provincial level cities, Wenzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Jiaxing, Jinhua, Chu chou, Taizhou, Lishui, the Zhoushan 9 locally administered levels, altogether 11 municipalities. Zhejiang Province located at the Chinese southeast coast, is situated between the north latitude 27 ' 12 '' - 31 degrees 31 point and between the longtitude 118 E - 123 degrees, east is close to East China Sea, notogaea Fujian, west and Jiangxi, Anhui are connected, north and Shanghai, Jiangsu is a neighbour. The thing and the north and south straight distance is 450 kilometers, the land territory area 101,800 square kilometers. Within the boundaries biggest rivers Qiantang River, because the river current is winding, also calls Zhejiang, the province by river, Jian Chengwei Zhejiang. The entire province has critical terrain feature landscape more than 800, waters landscape more than 200, biological landscape more than 100, humanities landscape more than 100; Has Xihu, the Fuchunjiang River - Xin'an river, Yandangshan, Moganshan, the Putuo, Mt. Tiantai, Nanxijiang, the shengsi archipelago, Shuanglongdong, the dwelling place of celestial beings, the Xuedou, the Huanjiang - Wuxie, Mt. Jianglang, the dwelling place of celestial beings and so on 14 state-level key scenic spot area, Dongqian Lake, the big Buddhist temple, Fang Yan, Mt. Lanke and so on 42 provincial level scenic spot area; Has Hangzhou, Ningbo, Shaoxing, Chu chou, near the sea 5 state-level historical city, provincial level historical city 12; Has nation key Cultural relic preservation organ 134, provincial level key Cultural relic preservation organ 279; Has state-level nature protection area 7, country forest park 20.

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