Greg Burns


Nevada, USA, North America
Affichages :: 63,232
About Greg

Thanks for visiting. I am an amateur photographer, mechanical engineer, machinist, entrepreneur, builder of widgets and airplanes, pilot, hunter, and a motorcycle racer. I shoot panoramas with a Canon 5D MII using a 16/35mm and a 15mm fisheye. I am continuously amazed at the incredible engineering behind our own human eye. As photographers, we attempt to reproduce how the human eye captures light and color. In controlled conditions we can simulate what this feat of engineering does so effortlessly.

How foolish and insulting to the designer and builder, to attribute this spectacular universe and world to an accident. As an engineer, I would liken it to touring the space shuttle and attributing it to the work of an amateur - not knowing or caring that the chief engineer is your guide - and you thought he was just a volunteer.

Romans 3:20    For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.