1933年8月25日 15时50分30秒,叠溪发生75级地震。叠溪城中心部分在剧震发生的几分钟内几乎笔直地陷落,呈单条阶梯状地震的下滑距离达500-600米。曾溪城及附近21个羌寨全部覆灭.四周山峰崩塌;堵塞岷江;形成11个堰塞湖。伤亡人数近万人。这就是历史上著备的“中国叠溪大地震”。叠溪海子就是由于这次大地震而形成。其最深处达98米,平均深度82米,蓄水量达1.5亿立方米,湖面面积350多万平方米。
Sichuan Province, the "River"or "Shu", the provincial capital of Chengdu, located in southwest China, the Yangtze River, in longitude 97 ° 21 '~ 108 ° 31', latitude 26 ° 03 '~ 34 ° 19' between. To benefits, benefit, Azusa, Kui four named, the province of the total area of 48.5 square kilometers. Brief plateau phase the west, east of the Three Gorges Xianfeng overlap, north of Qinling Bashan barriers surround the south Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the formation of a famous Sichuan Basin. Sichuan Province, vast land and has a long history since ancient times to enjoy the "Land of Abundance"reputation.