"还珠洞"位于伏波山的山腹,古时只有临江的一面有洞口,要坐船方能进入,后来人们在西面和南面开了两个口,这才可以从陆地步行入洞。洞内高4米~6米,宽 6米~8米,总长 120余米,面积 600余平方米。该洞名为“还珠”源于几个传说,说法不一,其中一个是讲述当年伏波将军马援率军南征交趾国得胜班师回朝,用船运载买来的薏苡回中原作为药用,有人诬告他运的是从合浦搜刮来的珍珠,于是他就当众把薏苡倒入了伏波潭里,以表明自己的心迹,让这些所谓的“珍珠”流还合浦。
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, called "Gui. " Nanning is the capital of the ten ASEAN countries and China, meeting place of unity and cooperation, known as Green City reputation. Situated in the southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, located at longitude 104 ° 26'-112 ° 04 ', latitude 20 ° 54'-26 ° 24 ', between the Tropic of Cancer running through the central region. The southwest region's most convenient access to the sea, but also resource-based economy in western China and the Southeast Division with an open economy in the economic exchanges between China and Southeast Asia, occupies an important position. All autonomous regions inhabited by the Zhuang, Han, Yao, Miao, Dong, Mu Lao, Mao Nan, Hui, Jing, Yi, Shui, Gelao and other nationalities.