琼台书院是海南著名的名胜古迹,是海南省旅游涉外定点单位,也是海南省文物保护单位。现在是琼台师范学校的校址。 琼台书院曾为清代琼州最高学府,常设执教并主持院政的掌教一人,由道台从德高望重的进士或举人中聘任。从创建之初就是海南人读书登科之地,曾培养了一大批文人墨客,清代琼籍之进士,举人多数入第前曾在此攻读。民国后,书院办过中学、师范,为当时的革命培养了许多骨干分子,办师范后,又为海南的教育事业培养了一大批教育工作者。琼台书院博物馆以翔实的史料、丰富的内容展示了琼台书院三百年发展史及海南教育史。
Hainan (English name: Hai Nan). Capital: Haikou, referred to as: Joan. Hainan Province on April 13 -1988, the Seventh National People's Congress adopted the first meeting of "the decision on the establishment of Hainan Province" and "On the Establishment of the Hainan Special Economic Zone of the resolution "; April 26, 1988, the CPC Hainan Province Committee of Hainan Provincial People's Government formally. Since then, Hainan became a province of the youngest and largest special economic zone, Hainan's development has entered a new historical period. South China Sea on Hainan Island is a bright pearl, is second only to the country's second largest island of Taiwan. Hainan is the smallest land area of China, the largest province of the marine area.