嘉峪关悬壁长城,位于嘉峪关关城北8公里处石关峡口北侧的黑山北坡。明嘉靖十八年(1539年),为了加强嘉峪关的防御,肃州兵备道李涵在暗壁以外,峡南侧的山头上开始,监筑了一条长15公里的片石夹土墙。工程完成于嘉靖十九年(1540年),使关城防御更加严密,古称“断壁长城”。 因城墙自山上陡跌而下,在山脊上似长城倒挂,铁壁悬空,从山上陡跌而下,封锁了石关峡口,俗称“悬壁长城”。
Old is Yongzhou Gansu provincial capital Lanzhou. Located in the upper Yellow River, located in the geographical center of China, between latitude 32 ° 31 '~ 42 ° 57', longitude 92 ° 13 '~ 108 ° 46' between. It is the east, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Sichuan controlled South, West Hill Xinjiang, brief Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, is the ancient Silk Road of the key sections of land and gold, and with the Mongolian border, it was like a magnificent gem, set in central China the Loess Plateau, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia plateau, something more than 1,600 kilometers meandering, aspect 453,700 square kilometers, accounting for 4.72% of the total area. Population 26 million (968 million in 1949), Han, Hui, Tibetan, Dongxiang, Yugu, Baoan, Mongolian, Kazak, Tu, Salar, Manchu and other ethnic groups. Among them, the Dongxiang, Yugur, Bonan is a minority of Gansu.