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Mitterfirmiansreut - Schneekirche Eingang Ost

History of the snow church:


In winter 2010/2011, the establishment of the legendary Snow Church's 100th anniversary of Mitterfirmiansreut Time.
To mark this special anniversary Mitterfirmiansreut grew up in the idea of the historic church in the snow Jubilee result back to life.
Because this requires not only a lot of idealism and energy, but also all sorts of legal, financial and organizational issues are clarified, established now - about a year before the planned start of construction - in the guest house
"Firmianstub'n" Friends of the "100 Years of Snow Church Mitterfirmiansreut
 Built 100 years ago in protest.
At the inaugural meeting of the association, who is also mayor Alfred Schraml and seven councilors attended, it was decided to build in the winter 2011/2012 a church made of snow along the lines of the first snow church of 1911 and the "house of God" throughout the winter by various cultural and to meet with spiritual life events.
36 People spontaneously declared their accession to the booster club. Under the leadership of Mayor Schraml was a charter and elected a Board of Directors decided shank. As of 1 Chairman of the Friends Bernd stepfather, who hosted the inaugural meeting and was co-founder of the Snow Church idea chosen. His deputy Michael Ploechinger was determined,
is secretary Florian Orting, Sepp thinking exercises the office of the Treasurer. The board is supplemented by Heinrich Herzig, Hubert Frank and Christian Koch. Franz Springer and Siegfried Weber check the cash register.
Task of the managing committee is now to lead the organizational prerequisites for the establishment of the Church in the snow routes. On the part of members can be introduced to creative ideas. Since the original construction site of the first snow church is no longer available - this is now the Mitterfirmiansreut Expositurkirche - is planned, the new snow build up at church right next to the Almberg-lift above the village. Terms of size, scale and design of concrete may want to check only the possibilities.
In connection with the anniversary will be in Mitterfirmiansreut the story of the legendary Snow Church from 1911 back to life. In protest against the world, wanted to forget their remote corner, and to indicate their church cares that Mitterfirmiansreut had begun in February 1911 with the construction of this strange worship.
At that time, and supervised Hinterfirmiansreut Mitter, Alp and the parish pastoral Neuhäusl Mauth. The long distance to the church was especially linked to the severe, long winter months with greatest hardships, often for weeks had no possible service visits. The long cherished wish was to have its own church.
The poverty of the villagers and the lack of support from outside was that goal back in the distant future. When the Mitterfirmiansreut 1910 because of a severe blizzard could not even attend the Christmas mass in Mauth, germinated in the seclusion of the world the idea of building a church from the material that was present in amounts ranging: from the snow.
Due to weather conditions could begin in February, eager and motivated packed with the villagers, when it was built of large blocks of snow this unique church. The church was snow 14 meters long, seven feet wide and nearly four feet high, were modeled after the Passau cathedral built on the front page two towers. On 28 March 1911 the church was completed, a photograph of them even appeared in American magazines. Up into May, the church, before they melted under the warm spring sun.
With their projects, the villagers had success Mitter; numerous donations to build a proper church were received.
But only in 1923 could be built a stone school chapel, consecrated in 1925 and enlarged in 1932 to today's church.
The canonical erection of the Expositur Mitterfirmiansreut was 1930th Only then can the church builders saw snow of 1911 at the major goal of their project. They have long since died, but her work is almost 100 years later as aliveas ever.


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Copyright: H.J.Weber
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 9268x4634
Taken: 18/01/2012
Uploaded: 18/01/2012
Published: 18/01/2012


Tags: landscape; snow; church; religious; engineering; anniversary; exterior day; architecture; tree; forest
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