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Zelve 2, Cappadocia, Turkey

Das Freilichtmuseum Zelve besteht aus zwei parallelen Felstälern mit vielen Höhlenwohnungen. Diese waren bis in die 40er-Jahre des 20.Jahrhunderts bewohnt, als ein Erdbeben einen Teil der Höhlen zum Einsturz brachte. Ein weiteres Erdbeben in den 90ern ließ wieder einiges einstürzen, sodaß heute ein Teil der Anlage nicht mehr betreten werden darf. In den leicht zu bearbeitenden Tuffsteinfelsen findet man neben den Höhlenwohnungen auch eine Moschee, ein Mühle und einen Tunnel, der von einem Tal ins Nachbartal führt.

Copyright: Heiner Straesser Der Panoramafotograf.Com
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 8910x4455
Taken: 28/08/2009
Caricate: 22/11/2016
Published: 19/12/2009
Numero di visualizzazioni:


Tags: cappadokia; valley; caves; open air museum; cappadocia; kappadokia; rocks; nature; tourism; goereme; zelve; turkey; anatolia; unesco world heritage
More About Cappadocia

Cappadocia is a part of central Turkey. Eruptions of several volcanoes (e.g. Erciyes Dag, Hasan Dag) had covered the area with tuff. Erosion dug valleys and created an uncountable number of different shaped rocks. The tuff's ability to store water made the valleys much more fertile than the higher surroundings. After the arrival of the first people, they soon started to dig caves into the soft stone. By the time they developed the ability to dig cities into the underground with tunnels of several kilometers. A sophisticated pipe- and tunnel-system cared for fresh air and water, to enable the people to hide from enemies for a long time. In the 5th century hermits started to settle in the valleys and to paint their caves. In the next centuries more and more hermits and monks arrived and a rich cave-architecture with colourfull wallpaintings developed. The most famous are the churches of Goereme and the Peristrema Valley (=Ihlara Valley) between Ihlara and Selime. Today thousands of tourists from all over the world are visiting the area.

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