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細野朝士「Mirror Cruise in Dream Blue 2021」接吻

Mirror Cruise

Mirror Cruise (ミラー・クルーズ) のカレイドスコープは、偏光板というものを使用した、ちょっと変わった万華鏡です。 色やかたちの元となるオブジェクトは、無色透明のフィルムのみ。 偏光板が作り出す偏光(一直線方向の光)が、内蔵されるフィルムを通過し、更にもう一度偏光板を通ることで、波長の違うさまざまな光の色を生み出します。 つまり、すべての色が、自然の光そのものの色なんです! 光の性質や屈折率の違いを利用した、ちょっと不思議で、ちょっと科学的な「偏光万華鏡」。 Mirror Cruise ならではの精巧なミラーシステムによる、とにかく多彩で、驚きに満ちた「偏光の新世界」。 


1997年に万華鏡製作を開始し、以来20数年、万華鏡を専門に製作を続けています。 映像の不思議さや面白さを尊重するその作品は、どれも緻密で美しく、鮮やかな色に溢れ、覗けば本当にワクワクするものばかりです。

Dream Blue(ギャラリー予約席)


Copyright: 野本夏俊
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 32778x16389
Taken: 10/12/2021
送信日: 13/12/2021
Published: 14/12/2021


Tags: art; exhibition; bar; gallery; mirror; kaleidoscope; sculpture; installation; night
More About Japan

The eight islands of Japan sprang into existence through Divine Intervention.The first two gods who came into existence were Izanagi no Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto, the Exalted Male and Exalted Female. It was their job to make the land for people to live on.They went to the bridge between heaven and earth and, using a jewel-encrusted halberd, Izanagi and Izanami churned up the sea into a frothy foam. As salty drips of water fell from the tip of the halberd the first island was formed. Its name was Onogoro.So far, so good. But when Izanagi and Izanami first met on their island, Izanami spoke to Isanagi without being spoken to first. Since she was the female, and this was improper, their first union created badly-formed offspring who were sent off into the sea in boats.The next time they met, Izanagi was sure to speak first, ensuring the proper rules were followed, and this time they produced eight children, which became the islands of Japan.I'm sure you did not fail to miss the significance of this myth for the establishment of Japanese formal society.At present, Japan is the financial capital of Asia. It has the second largest economy in the world and the largest metropolitan area (Tokyo.)Technically there are three thousand islands making up the Japanese archipelago. Izanagi and Izanami must have been busy little devils with their jewelled halberd...Japan's culture is highly technical and organized. Everything sparkles and swooshes on silent, miniaturized mechanisms.They're a world leader in robotics, and the Japanese have the longest life-expectancy on earth.Text by Steve Smith.

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