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About MTP360.COM

David Lubbers is a skilled photographer, videographer, and audio engineer. He has a BA in Media Arts with specialization in Digital Video and Special Effects. His passion for media arts began with developing film in a high school photography class. This lead to the purchase of his first 35mm SLR camera and construction of his own dark room.

David later went on to form a media arts business, Master Touch Productions. MTP specializes in professional audio recording, cinematic video productions, and panoramic photography. David and his team use the most up-to-date equipment and software, such as DSLR cameras, Adobe Creative Suite, Final Cut Studio, and Sonar X, to provide the very best for their clients.

Panoramic photography is a relatively new development with great potential to provide a more effective marketing tool for MTP clients. MTP produces high quality, professional photographic images and videos (such as weddings, commercials, special events, and informational videos), as well as superior sound quality in music album productions.

For a price quote to have your own panoramic photos made contact David at 573-631-4276. 

To view David’s work click on the following websites. and