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Goethestein near Frauenstein

The Goethestein" (Goethe-stone) is a steep pyramidal pillar made of rocks. It was erected to memorize the visit of the famous writer and novelist GOETHE. There is a metal-plate to inform visitors about this landmark, which says: " Als Goethe 1815 das zweite mal zur Kur in Wiesbaden weilte machte er mit Freunden am 6. Juli auch einen Ausflug zum "Spitzen Stein" und "Nürnberger Hof". Es war ein Aufenthalt, der den Ästheten und Wissenschaftler in ihm zufriedenstellte, der Dichter rühmte die schöne Aussicht, und der Geologe untersuchte mit Interesse den Quarzit des Berges auf Kupfer- und Eisenspuren. Kaum weniger aber dürfte seine Aufmerksamkeit der Liebreizenden Philippine Lade (1797-1879) gegolten haben, deren künstlerisches Talent er schätzte. Das Denkmal wurde nach den Worten des dreißigjährigen Dichters gestaltet, in denen er sein Lebensgetz umriss. "Diese Begierde, die Pyramide meines Daseins, deren Basis mir angegeben und gegründet ist, so hoch als möglich in die Luft zu Spitzen, überwiegt alles Andere."

Copyright: Gunnar W.G. Mitzner
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 12000x6000
Taken: 22/05/2014
Uploaded: 24/05/2014
Published: 24/05/2014


Tags: goethe; stone; landmark; germany
More About Germany

Germany? Before the beginning there was Ginnungagap, an empty space of nothingness, filled with pure creative power. (Sort of like the inside of my head.)And it ends with Ragnarok, the twilight of the Gods. In between is much fighting, betrayal and romance. Just as a good Godly story should be.Heroes have their own graveyard called Valhalla. Unfortunately we cannot show you a panorama of it at this time, nor of the lovely Valkyries who are its escort service.Hail Odin, wandering God wielding wisdom and wand! Hail Freya, hail Tyr, hail Thor!Odin made the many lakes and the fish in them. In his traverses across the lands he caused there to be the Mulheim Bridge in Cologne, as did he make the Mercury fountain, Mercury being of his nature.But it is to the mighty Thor that the Hammering Man gives service.Between the time of the Nordic old ones and that of modern Frankfort there may have been a T.Rex or two on the scene. At least some mastodons for sure came through for lunch, then fell into tar pits to become fossils for us to find.And there we must leave you, O my most pure and holy children.Text by Steve Smith.

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