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Ducha de Prata 2
Campos do Jordão

Localiza-se na Avenida Roberto Simonsen, no bairro de Vila Inglesa, na estrada para a Vila Capivari. Além das quedas d'água, o turista encontrará barraquinhas com produtos artesanais e souvenires. As duchas artificiais foram formadas com o represamento das águas do Ribeirão das Perdizes. A canalização da cachoeira forma um conjunto de jatos de água que delicia os visitantes, que podem utilizar plataformas de madeira para chegar até as duchas e tomar banhos frios e saudáveis. Antigamente, nesse local, banhavam-se os hóspedes da antiga e famosa Pensão Inglesa. No acesso de entrada à Ducha de Prata, existe um movimentado comércio onde podem ser adquiridos produtos artesanais, doces e souvenires.

Foto: Emilio Campi

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Copyright: Emilio Campi 360 Total
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10706x5353
Taken: 04/02/2012
Загружена: 04/02/2012
Published: 04/02/2012


Tags: ducha; prata; campos do jordao; cachoeira; serra; emilio campi; panotour; 360 total
More About Campos do Jordão

My city is one of the highest in the country, is in the hills of Serra da Mantiqueira with altitude until 2.000m above sea line. It is famous for cold, despite being a tropical country, we have in our winter temperatures like -3, -5 degrees Celsius. For this reason our winter festival (international festival of classical music), is famous and attracts millions of tourists every year. Another unique feature is our architecture is entirely based in Europe.   The whole city of Campos do Jordao is a mall in the open. At night we have many store, restaurants and leisure centers. during the winter festival a lot of companies make presentations of new products and bring cultural events and entertainment for children, teens and adults.   The main tourist center is the town square of Village Capivari with a acoustics Shell for presentations of the festival and concerts of all kinds, we have a cable car to the hill Morro do Elefante from where you can obeservar throughout the city. We have another attractions like a State Park with an area of 83km2 preserved with wonderful rain florester and animals, recreation centers, natural landscapes with sports activities such as tree climbing, rock climbing, hangglider, paraglider, mountain biking, hiking and more...   The city of Campos do Jordao is famous for being a destination of charm in winter, it is called the Brazilian Swiss, many rich people have the winter home here. Living here is a little more expensive than in a big city.

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