Księża Góra (649 m n.p.m) - one of the peaks in the band Ciecienia (the correct pronunciation is also in the band on average) in the Beskid Wyspowy.
Located in the band between Ciecieniem (829 m) and Grodzisk (618 m). Western slopes of Mount Ksieza fall to Wiśniowa, east to Szczyrzyc and Pogorzan. The apex is completely wooded, from the relatively high approach Wisniowa fields. Blue hiking trail leading through the back band Ciecienia bypasses the eastern side of the tip covered with beech forest Ksieza Mountains.
At the top of Mount Ksieza is an altar and a wooden lookout tower. View it covers the entire horizon, but podrastające tree and two nearby peaks and higher Ciecienia obscure some views. Is particularly visible from the tower and Lubomir Frequency baldness. Below the summit, with the blue route, the section from Ksieza Mountains to the trail intersection with a black trail of Szczyrzyc is a small clearing in the chapel of 1869.