Hello! I am photographer based in Latvia currently and I enjoy travelling and capturing the life, buildings and nature all around the world. I am ready to travel anywhere in Europe when required.I excel in spherical panoramas that are superior for presenting your business premises for interested clients in virtual enviroment. With these pictures many industries benefit by being able to connect to new customers attracting immediate interest. Especially real-estate, small businesses, gyms, hotels and services offering conference premises find spherical panoramas highly demanded. Currently customers wish to decide event venues, compare different gyms and apartments for convenience of their home. Recent high quality pictures attract these customers immediately as there is no need to quess what to expect. Currently applications of Virtual Reality are in increasing demand and being able to look any place in the world from will be possible form every household.I will help you to increase your business visibility by providing you pictures and uploading them to Google Maps where interested customers will be able to see your life work by doing a simple search. Additionally I can provide you files and assistance if you wish to present pictures on your own home page.My goal is to provide affordable services from providing simple pictures up to all inclusive management of shperical photos as required by you!
Please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] and I promise to get back to you as soon as possible!