born 1965 in Germany
sice 1989 Assistant to different photographers in Giessen and Frankfurt a.M. Michael Gleim (industryphotography) ,Karin Hieronymi (peoplephotography) ,Stefan Jouhof (peoplephotography) ,New Sentimentalmovie (promotionalfilmproduktion) teamwork with Hans Siwik (travelphotography)
photoexhibitions since 1989 in Kassel, Friedberg and Giessen photodocumentation in Bangladesh newspaperphotography for Giessener Anzeiger band-photography artistic photography digital picture design grafikdesign webdesign different design works newspaperproduktion 360-degree-photography ...
photographer / photoartist / mediadesigner / mediaoperator... . Nigeria 2009
London 2003 Bangladesh 1994 USA 1984
My name is Manuel Teles. I'm a freelancer photographer.If you want to make any kind of use of one of my photos please contact me at: [email protected]
I'm a fan of panoramic photography. Although there is no mass media, I do what I can.
Soy un aficionado a la fotografía panorámica. Aunque no dispongo de grandes medios, hago lo que puedo.