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Basteigebiet (20)

Views: 1662
Die Bastei ist die berühmteste Felsformation und eines der bekanntesten Naturdenkmäler der Sächsischen Schweiz und deshalb auch das beliebteste Ausflugsziel der Region. Die eigentliche Bastei ist er am weitesten zur Elbe ragende schmale Felsrücken. Diese 305 m hohe Felskanzel, ragt 194 m über die Elbe empor und bietet einen beeindruckenden Landschaftsblick. Das Basteigebiet mit mehreren Aussichten ist ganzjährig frei zugängig. Die heute bestehende Sandsteinbrücke wurde 1851 erbaut. Sie hat eine Länge von 76,50 m und überspannt mit 7 Bögen eine 40 m tiefe Schlucht. Einst trieben hier Raubritter ihr Unwesen. Dann kamen die Romantiker. Heute sind es Touristen und Wanderer, die jeden Tag in Scharen die Bastei aufsuchen. Das Neurathener Felsentor ist wohl der eigentliche Zugang zur Neurathener Felsenburg. Die Reste dieser Felsenburg sind über einen schön angelegten Rundgang mit teilweisen Rekonstruktionen zu erleben. Sie kann ganztägig besucht werden.
Created 03/10/2021 by Ruediger Kottmann

Guimarães (43)

Views: 6043
A cidade de Guimarães parece ter nascido já durante o período da alta idade média, em terras que pertenciam à Condessa Mumadona Dias e seu marido Conde Hermenegildo Mendes. Após a morte do Conde, nos meados do séc. X Mumadona Dias herdara Vimaranes, e teria de executar uma das verbas testamentárias do marido, a construção de um mosteiro para frades e freiras, dedicado ao Salvador do Mundo, à Virgem Maria e aos doze Apóstolos, sob a regra dos eremitas de S. Pacómio. Durante as invasões normandas, e a fim de proteger o Mosteiro contra as incursões dos vikings e mulçumanos, mandou construir na colina mais próxima do Mosteiro a primeira fortificação, de madeira e terra. Foi Cabeça do territorio do Condado Portucalense.
Created 09/05/2021 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Barcelos (38)

Views: 3710
Barcelos seen from the sky and soil, together with interior views. The fair field where the Barcelos Fair is celebrated, the handicraft, a stroll through the medieval core, the first square of the city, the buildings that marked its history, some linked to other miracles of support for pilgrims to compostela. Barcelos is a city that thrills us, but also has also out of its urban center, some good surprises that are well worth being visited. It is the case for two Romanic chapels of the beginning of nationality, and a monastery whose interior left me surprised.
Created 25/04/2021 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
The Monastery of S.Salvador de Vilar de Friars was founded in 566 by S.Martinho de Dume. From this Benedictine monastery there are only some elements of your Romanesque portal. The oldest reference to the Benedictine Monastery of Vilar de Frades Date of 1509. However, according to Frei Leo de São Tomas, there would have been a letter from the Monk Benedictine Frei Drumario, written on October 7, 571 dating the Foundation of the Monastery in 566, By the hand of Saint Martin of Dume. According to Jorge de São Paulo, believing in the existence of this letter, the monastery followed the rule of São Bento since that date until 714, year in which it was destroyed due to the Muslim invasions, nothing remaining of this phase of the convent's life. In 1425 the congregation of the secular brothers of S.Salvador de Vilar de Friars is founded. In 1461 the religious order changes from the name to the congregation of secular monks of S.João Evangelista, known as the order of the loos, through Queen D.Isabel, wife of D.Afonso V.
Created 10/04/2021 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
Benedictine monastery. The first Romanesque monastery Date of the 6th century of the Swevo monarch Teodomiro. The first reconstruction occurred in 1060, with real support becomes one of the richest and most powerful northern monasteries. With the advent of the counter-reform movement of the century. XVI, this monastery becomes headquarters from the congregation of S. Bento de Portugal and Brazil. Several reconstruction and expansion campaigns within the line of new liturgical space rules are implemented between the century. XVII and XVIII. The original Romanesque monastery disappears and gives way to an authentic "shipyard-school" of architects, masters masons, sculptors, carvers, gadgets and songwatchers, who will leave stylistic marks that will influence other works to be developed in northern Portugal and even In Galicia during the Baroque and Rococo phase.
Created 26/03/2021 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal

Braga (31)

Views: 3798
Braga is a Portuguese city situated north of Portugal. It is a municipality with 183.4 km² of area, a population of 181 494 inhabitants (2011) and 137 000 inhabitants in its urban perimeter, being the center of the old region called Minho. In the course of the second century A.C., the region was taken by the Romans. Braga was built in 16 BC, with the designation of Bracara Augusta, in honor of the Roman Emperor Augusto (R. 27 AC-14 DC). The city would become capital of the province of Galécia and integrate the three convents from the Northwest Peninsular and part of the Convent of Clúnia, with a population of approximately 285,000 taxable taxes in the 24th in the year 25. Of this time also the creation of Bracara Augusta Bishopric, according to Legend, São Pedro de Rates was the first Bishop BraCarense between the 45th and 60s, ordained by the apostle Santiago Maior who would have come from Holy Land and was martyred when converted adherent people to the Roman religion in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. But only in the year 385 is that the Pope Sirício refers to the metropolitan of Bracara Augusta. It is called the city of Archbishops, for its power in the city of this remote times. Some of this archbishops, came to turn the shape of the city, sending open new streets and new buildings, etc. Best European Destination for 2021
Created 11/03/2021 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal
This Catholic sanctuary dedicated to Senhor Bom Jesus is an architectural-landscape ensemble made up of a church, a stairway where the Via Sacra do Bom Jesus develops, an area of forest (Parque do Bom Jesus), some hotels and a funicular ( Elevador do Bom Jesus). It was elevated to a minor basilica on July 5, 2015. Its peculiar disposition served as inspiration for other constructions, as for example the Sanctuary of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Lamego, and the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos in the city of Congonhas, in Minas Gerais, in Brazil. It is classified as a National Monument and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Created 02/03/2021 by Santiago Ribas - 360portugal