北极村是中国黑龙江省漠河县最北的村镇,同时也是中国最北的临江小镇,位于北纬 53°33′30″,东经122°20'27.14",北极村是中国唯一观测北极光的最佳地点。中国“北方第一哨”北极哨所处于北极村。北极村处于北纬53°以上的高纬度地区,因此夏季会发生极昼现象,白天通常长达17个小时以上,而冬季则会发生极夜现象,是北极村的一大特色。 北极村全年平均气温在-30℃以下,极端最低气温在-50℃以上。
全景摄影 刘运增
Asia is the biggest continent on Earth, a darling little gem floating around in space.Hm, what is Asia? Who's in on it?China and India are safe bets for Asian nations. Korea, Japan, Thailand, you're fine.Europe? No. Europe would sort of be on the "Asian continent" if not for those pesky Ural mountains dividing things up in the middle, and then also the whole lineage of kings and wealth and nations and the EU and all that "give me my respect" stuff.Russia would probably be happiest as its own continent, so for now we'll leave it in "Eurasia" and just hope the natural gas supplies keep flowing.Pakistan and Afghanistan are dang close to Asia, but politically they show up in "Middle East" news stories an awful lot. Verdict: Eurasia.I guess we'll actually have to consider everything from Turkey on eastward to be "Eurasian", although the moniker seems overlappitory of the territory.The Asian economy is now officially raging like a wild furnace of lava that consumes everything in its path. Japan has had the largest individual economy in Asia for decades, but it is forecast that both India and China will outstrip Japan within twenty years.China is the largest holder of United States debt and is positioned to become the world's next superpower, provided that Godzilla doesn't return and decide to stomp everybody back into the Shang Dynasty.Text by Steve Smith.