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美国 布法罗 纽约 尼亚加拉古堡2——古堡入口

尼加拉古堡(Old Fort Niagara) 美国水牛城旅游景点

尼加拉古堡(Old Fort Niagara)位於州立公园中,古堡位于尼加拉河口与安大略湖东岸,占据重要的地理位置,在早期的美利坚历史中控制了五大湖以及深入美国内陆的通道。是法国人於一七二六年為了防止印第安人袭击而建的防御性堡垒,距今有300多年的历史。现在改為法国式造型的博物馆,馆内陈列有尼加拉的开拓史。尼加拉古堡(Old Fort Niagara) 是美国水牛城的旅游景点。

  尼加拉瓜古堡是一个防御工事,初建时是为了保护法国人在北美的利益。法国人勒内·罗伯特于1678年建立了第一个建筑物称之为:孔蒂堡 Fort Conti。 1687年,法国总督Denonville侯爵,在孔蒂堡旧址重建了一个新的堡垒,并用自己的名字命名。堡垒是法国印第安人战争主要战场之一,称为尼加拉瓜堡战役。(法国印第安人战争是发生在1754到1763年之间英国和法国在北美的一场战争,战争中印第安人和法国人结盟,所以被称为法国印第安人战争,最后以英国人攻占蒙特利尔而取得战争的胜利。)经过19天的围困后,于1759年7月英国人占领了城堡。1783年美国独立战争胜利以后,根据“巴黎条约”,城堡划归美国。但是英国人继续实际控制堡垒达13年之久。到1796年的“杰伊条约”之后,美国军队才正式接管堡垒。现在堡垒经过重新装修成为了纽约州立公园和博物馆。

全景摄影 刘运增

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Copyright: 刘运增
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10000x5000
Taken: 13/10/2013
上传: 27/01/2014
Published: 27/01/2014


Tags: old fort niagara buffalo new york united states castle entrance
More About USA

The United States is one of the most diverse countries on earth, jam packed full of amazing sights from St. Patrick's cathedral in New York to Mount Hollywood California.The Northeast region is where it all started. Thirteen British colonies fought the American Revolution from here and won their independence in the first successful colonial rebellion in history. Take a look at these rolling hills carpeted with foliage along the Hudson river here, north of New York City.The American south is known for its polite people and slow pace of life. Probably they move slowly because it's so hot. Southerners tend not to trust people from "up north" because they talk too fast. Here's a cemetery in Georgia where you can find graves of soldiers from the Civil War.The West Coast is sort of like another country that exists to make the east coast jealous. California is full of nothing but grizzly old miners digging for gold, a few gangster rappers, and then actors. That is to say, the West Coast functions as the imagination of the US, like a weird little brother who teases everybody then gets famous for making freaky art.The central part of the country is flat farmland all the way over to the Rocky Mountains. Up in the northwest corner you can find creative people in places like Portland and Seattle, along with awesome snowboarding and good beer. Text by Steve Smith.

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