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美国 加利福尼亚 旧金山 双子峰 1 ( Twin Peaks )——鸟瞰旧金山市区全貌
San Francisco

旧金山双子峰 (San Francisco Twin Peaks) 这两座海拔约270公尺的山丘,因为形状的关系被早期的西班牙移民昵称为「印第安少女的乳房」,同时也是旧金山境内唯一保留的天然山丘,此地并以360度全景眺望而闻名。天气晴朗时,您可鸟瞰旧金山整个市容,您亦可找到旧金山湾旁边的红色金门大桥。 由旧金山市区沿着 Market Street 一直往西南走,就可看到南北相对的两座山丘,这便是 Twin Peaks 了。 南峰922尺高,为旧金山的第二高点(位于 Twin Peaks 西南不远的 Mount Davidson 928尺为第一高),在这里不但可以俯看整个旧金山市区,还可西望太平洋,东望东湾的奥克兰,Mount Diablo(魔鬼山),伯克利大学的白色钟塔(Campanile Tower),北看马林郡的 Mount Tamalpais,以及链接湾区各城的五座桥梁等。北峰则有904尺高。

由于地势又高又陡,Twin Peaks 一直到1920年代才开始开发,山上有个 Sutro Tower 大怪塔,耸立在北峰之上,高977尺,肩负着湾区无线电广播、电视接收与微波的传送任务。但这附近的居民对于这个高大的怪邻居却很感冒,认为它大大的妨碍观瞻。在旧金山很多地方都可以看到这座大怪塔,有时天气不好,还会看见这座怪塔从云端冒出,伸向空中,看来颇为吓人!

虽然登上 Twin Peaks 是很辛苦的一件事,你得穿很多衣服以抵挡强风及冷雾,还要努力的爬上陡坡(其实现代人都是用车轮努力的爬上来),但是辛苦是有代价的--湾区最棒的视野尽收眼底。这里更是观赏夜景的好地方!

全景摄影 刘运增

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Copyright: 刘运增
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 10000x5000
Taken: 21/10/2013
上传: 31/12/2013
Published: 31/12/2013


Tags: twin peaks san francisco california usa best view
More About San Francisco

Overview and HistorySan Francisco was inhabited as early as 3000B.C. The Ohlone Indians were the ones living there when the Europeans started to arrive. Francis Drake landed off the coast of what is now California in the 1500's and planted a British flag, which was soon forgotten.Modern history really begins in 1769 when Spanish explorers arrived and established the Presidio of Saint Francis, whereby the location got its name.The area became part of Mexico when it was liberated from Spain in 1821. For a few decades it was basically a Christian mission called Yerba Buena. After the Mexican War with the U.S. San Francisco became a city, officially named as of 1847.The next big thing was not long in coming. Gold was discovered in 1848 and the California Gold Rush began!In a few months the population grew from two to twenty thousand and San Francisco became the unofficial capital of the American West. The San Franciso 49'ers are named after the people who came in 1849 to dig for gold, get rich or die trying.California became a state in 1850, a telegraph line connected it to the East coast in 1860, and ten years later the New York-San Francisco railroad was completed. Chinese laborers who built the railroad made SF's Chinatown district.Development continued through the end of the nineteenth century with cable cars, luxury hotels, and the San Francisco stock exchange, which was the first one on the west coast. Across the narrow straits of water, Golden Gate Park was built with U.S. Fort Point holding it together. Then the earthquake hit.Nineteen Oh Shit. I mean Oh six. The city was completely flattened and then burned in 1906. In a matter of 48 seconds an earthquake of magnitude 8.6 on the Richter scale broke open buildings and gas mains, which caught fire and took apart the dry structures. Two hundred and fifty thousand people instantly became homeless and took refuge in tent cities.Rebuilding was enthusiastic and rapid. The Ferry Building became one of the busiest transportation terminals in the world, with one hundred and seventy landings per day. The early part of the twentieth century saw great strides in organized labor, prostitution control, corruption pandemics, and the birth of the American Conservation movement with John Muir.San Francisco survived the economic crash of 1929 with ZERO bank failures, and initiated several public works construction projects to make its way to the other side. The Golden Gate Bridge was one of them, along with the Oakland-Bay Bridge and the decoration of the Coit tower.During World War Two, San Francisco's Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was the major point of departure for servicemen headed to war in the South Pacific ocean.Soon after the end of WWII, the Beat Generation appeared and began laying what would eventually turn into the Hippie Movement, with SF's Haight Street as its epicenter. Today you can buy jeans at the Gap on Haight Street, but it wasn't always like that.Vietnam anti-war protests were huge in the 1970's, with gay culture taking a major part of it. The Castro is the gay neighborhood, although the entire city is very open and gay-friendly.The dot-com boom and crash is the most recent news in San Francisco. It's still techie but not as much as it was. Neighborhoods are still getting more expensive. For the number of people who want to live there, it's a really small city. Artists and DJ's beware!Getting ThereThe San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is about thirteen miles from downtown.The airport has an internal Airtrain system connecting its terminals with the city's public transportation system (Bay Area Rapid Transit). Airtrain is free, BART will cost you about $6 to get into downtown.There are also buses, taxis and the usual car rental agencies available to get around.TransportationPublic transportation in San Francisco consists of a metro that people call the Muni, after "Municipal Railway." Ride the historic cable cars when you get sick of scooting around the hills on a boring old bus. Fares go for $1.50.Biking is huge in San Fran, despite the serious hills you have to climb to get around.People and CultureThere is a huge Asian population, a strong gay community, tolerance for everybody and everything, amazing food, wine, architecture, and then music and every type of colorful art all over the place. Like we already talked about, the Beats, the Hippies, a dense population in a small space -- it all adds up to a city that feels like a party.Neighborhoods to visit first:The CastroChinatownThe MissionThe MarinaGolden Gate ParkFisherman's WharfDeco GhettoThings to do & RecommendationsRun and do not walk to the famed Mission District and get yourself a burrito. Order it with no sour cream or cheese, because it's going to be so big that you're only going to be able to eat half of it, and you want to save the other half for later without it turning kind of rank on you. That's a true SFCA tradition. Man, I could go for one of those myself right now. With extra guacamole. Do you have any iced tea? Two large iced teas. I should like a basket of chips. What's the asada taco?Try La Taqueria when you're ready to give your so-called mexican home cooking a major inferiority complex for life.Another good side trip is to visit Alcatraz prison, once home to notorious gangster criminal mastermind Al Capone, who got nabbed for tax evasion. Escape from Alcatraz was said to be impossible and if anyone ever did, the official reports still state that they drowned in the cold waters of the San Francisco Bay. Thank you and Good Night.Speaking of night time, let's go clubbing! House music is bangin' in San Francisco! Go to Mighty to get your fix of bass and the Oom-Chick, then look up Om Records and go to whatever events they're doing.No matter how you slice it, San Franciso is awesome and deserves more space and time than we can give it, even with our amazing presentations. As always, keep your eyes open and enjoy!Text by Steve Smith.

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